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Amenities: Daily Beach Activities, Water Slide & Zip Line, Mini golf, Guest Wi-Fi
Aruba, officially the Country of Aruba, is a constituent island country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the southern Caribbean Sea 29 kilometres north of the Venezuelan peninsula of Paraguaná and 80 kilometres northwest of Curaçao. In 1986, Aruba became a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and acquired the form…
Aruba, officially the Country of Aruba, is a constituent island country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the southern Caribbean Sea 29 kilometres north of the Venezuelan peninsula of Paraguaná and 80 kilometres northwest of Curaçao. In 1986, Aruba became a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and acquired the formal name the Country of Aruba.
Official languages: Papiamento · Dutch
Government: Devolved parliamentary representative democracy within a constitutional monarchy