In this lesson, students will explore how Abraham Lincoln used the power of words in speeches, letters and other documents. In the Introductory Activity, students will watch a segment from the PBS ...
From the Decatur (Ill.) Chronicle. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s ...
When Abraham Lincoln was preparing his speech for his second inaugural in 1865, historians think he cut the sentences and paragraphs from a printed draft and pasted them onto the copy he planned ...
Major Acts In practical terms, the achievements of Abraham Lincoln are mammoth, yet simple to describe: he confronted the secession of the South and the dissolution of the Union with all the political ...
“The surviving evidence — the number of letters between Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed, for example — can also be read by ...
Ansary in “Dealmaker-In-Chief.” Abraham Lincoln chose for his cabinet very capable individuals who were his rivals for the Republican nomination to be president: William Seward, Salmon Chase ...
LEARNING ACTIVITY 2: Lincoln’s Letters 1. Explain to students that in addition to writing speeches, Abraham Lincoln also wrote many letters. Ask students to think about and discuss why ...