Many of these villagers will be going about their day. But when you interact with them, many can offer you quests or rewards.
Choose your villagers wisely in Bellwright- laborers, innkeepers, engineers, and more all play a crucial role in your rebellion's success. Don't underestimate the importance of professions like ...
Minecraft villagers offer players valuable trades in exchange for emeralds and are an important part of the game. They help you by working in different professions based on the job blocks they ...
Each of these types of Minecraft villager house comes with its own loot, from the profession block itself, to chests and other valuable goodies. All of the houses listed above can contain a loot ...
The cleric is a type of professional villager in Minecraft who trades all kinds of potion-related ... that are keeping villagers occupied in other professions. Once you find a regular villager ...