If you experience special circumstances that affect your ability to pay college costs, we urge you to contact our office and use the appropriate SCU Appeal Request Form. NOTE: Santa Clara University ...
When a student fails to show up for an appointment, or cancels without adequate notification, other students who could have been served in a timelier manner must wait ...
Graduate students who wish to make changes to their registration outside of the assigned add/drop or withdrawal periods must submit an academic appeal to the Graduate School. There are several ...
Whether it's a denial or an adjustment in the amount of benefits, this form provides a pathway for applicants to request a ...
Graduate students must submit a complete Graduate appeal form to the Graduate School before the dean can consider an appeal request. This form must be submitted to the Graduate School within five (5) ...
Please complete the following form to request a financial aid appeal letter. Your academic advisor will contact you through your WMU email address when your letter is ready or if they need any ...