Great rivers of whale pee make a remarkable contribution to Earth's cycling of nutrients, a new study reveals. While their ...
The finding indicates whale songs could serve as a barometer for their overall health, the study said. ‘It is a window into their lives.’ ...
A new study reveals that baleen whales, including humpbacks and gray whales, enrich oceans when they take a whizz.
A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
The study focused on a handful of baleen species — namely, gray whales, humpback whales and right whales — which display ...
More solitary than toothed whales, baleen whales face predatory attacks from killer whales, especially mother and calf pairs. When attacked, some species fight back, while others choose flight.
Bryde's whales have up to 370 pairs of grey-coloured plates of baleen growing inside their upper jaws. The plates are made of keratin, a protein that also forms human hair and nails, and are used to ...
For humpback whales in the Pacific, their songs may be a solid indicator of the type of food that is swimming nearby. By listening in on their songs from year to year, a team of scientists found ...
Nutrient-rich waste Whale excrement contains iron, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which are substances that phytoplankton need to ...
Eavesdropping on whale songs has provided vital new information in the battle to protect the endangered species. Variations ...
Baleen Capital Management LLC is a national financial advisory firm headquartered in Las Vegas, NV. The firm has $112.5 million under management.The firm caters to 3 clients of varying types.
These whales' massive heads and jaws accommodate hundreds of baleen “teeth.” Rights and other baleen-feeding whales use a comblike strainer of baleen plates and bristles to ensnare tiny ...