The basking shark’s scientific name, Cetorhinus maximus, roughly translates to “great-nosed sea monster” in Greek. In reality, these placid sharks, found the world over, are totally harmless.
Tiger sharks are typically thought to inhabit in the Caribbean seas and Pacific islands, but they are clearly lurking off the ...
Approximately 99.9% of fish and shark species are “cold-blooded ... in – but researchers have just discovered the mighty basking shark is a one-in-a-thousand exception.
Just hours after attaching a tracking device to a rare basking shark off Ireland’s coast in April, scientists recorded what they believe to be the first video ...
If you thought it was completely safe to swim in English seas, you may be wrong, and could encounter a seriously ‘dangerous' shark.
The basking shark is now protected under the Wildlife Act in Ireland From Monday, it is an offence to hunt or injure a basking shark (without permission or licence), wilfully interfere with or ...