The binturong, a shy and elusive mammal, may not make headlines, but its role is nothing short of essential. Let's explore why this often-overlooked animal deserves more recognition.
A bearcat (aka binturong). The black-furred creatures, whose name means "bear-like cat" in Malay, live in forests in Southeast Asia. They also smell like popcorn. “Would you like to smell it?” ...
Welcome to Monching Monday! Today's featured moncher is a binturong named Bupanda, an adorable "bearcat" who seems absolutely delighted to be crunching away on a delicious kibble-and-greens feast.
Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BBKSDA) Jawa Timur mengevakuasi seekor individu Binturong (Arctictis binturong) yang ...