To help combat this problem, it’s recommended that gardeners offer two particular types of seed on feeders that are less ...
The next few months are the single most important time of year for British birds, with most species making nests, breeding ...
A recent case of bird flu was linked to a cat's raw food diet. Experts stress there are other health risks, too.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has shared a list of kitchen leftovers that are perfect for bird ...
Birds consume berries year-round, but most shrubs and trees produce berries only once a year. To ensure a continuous supply ...
Feeding the birds is important all year round - but exactly what to leave out for them changes according to the seasons and ...
Thomas Vilgis, a food physicist at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, has been in love with foie gras ...
The RSPB explains: “Be careful with peanuts, fat and bread during spring and summer. If you want to feed peanuts only do so ...
I myself have had bird feeders in our yard, but we have always taken great care of them. As most of us have heard by now, ...
It's a good idea to keep the rest of the garden tidy, too. 'Un-emptied or messy bins can attract pigeons to your garden, so ...
Mumbai has banned feeding birds harmful foods like bread, rice, and snacks at tourist spots and parks. Violators face fines ...