The shortfin mako shark is on the brink of extinction due to overfishing, yet genetic analysis reveals that Atlantic ...
The first mako Grey got on the line was a 258-pounder ... On our second day out of Narragansett, Rhode Island, as we hauled yet another blue shark to the side of the boat, I finally took note ...
Shortfin makos are the fastest sharks in the sea, but they're failing to outpace the scale of overfishing that is driving ...
So in order to replace that energy they need to eat a lot of food. To ensure a meal, the Mako shark implements certain tactics when hunting. It will often attack and bite off the tail of its prey ...
WASHINGTON— The highly imperiled shortfin mako shark was denied federal protection today by NOAA Fisheries, which stated that a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act is “not warranted.” In ...