“In this study, the CGM estimated the “time out of range ... I would advise people without diabetes using CGMs to interpret the output with a pinch of salt.” ...
Researchers from the University of Bath, UK, compared the results of one brand of CGM with the gold-standard finger prick test when measuring the blood glucose levels of 15 non-diabetic people.
. . . NOTE: These fonts are used in this CGM file. You may use the MAP statement to map these fonts to SAS/GRAPH fonts. 1. SIMPLEX 2. BRUSH 3. CENTB 4. CENTBE 5. CENTBI 6. CENTBIE 7. CENTX 8. CENTXE 9 ...
In order to do these kinds of things with your SAS/GRAPH output, you must export your graphs from SAS/GRAPH, using a different graphics file format, such as CGM, GIF, or TIFF, and store them in ...