which was a chronic problem of existing photochemical sensors, and can be used continuously for up to nine hours while existing technologies based on the same material can be used for less than 20 ...
The biohydrogel-enabled microneedle sensor can “achieve direct measurements in under a minute for less than a dollar per test ...
Life's essential functions are powered by a set of compounds called metabolites, which are involved in every natural process, ...
Environmental conditions can cause damaging stress to plants, posing challenges for home gardeners and farmers. Therefore, ...
Researchers have developed a low-cost sensor from carbon nanotubes that can selectively and reliably measure minute quantities of oxygen in gas mixtures under light. The detector could be used in ...
The sooner a farmer knows that their crops are suffering, the faster they can take action to prevent major crop failure. A ...
"Our research is motivated by this critical safety challenge," explains Zhao. "By focusing on the early detection of ...
In a new study, researchers produced nanomaterials that could be used in developing more accurate sensors for healthcare in the future. For example, the levels of female hormones are so low that very ...