If you don't want them to turn to the side of your sofa for comfort, a cat tree is the next best thing. Fortunately, we came ...
And low and behold, over the edge of the crick over there, we seen three round heads and six round eyeballs popping up over there," Kevin Mohn, the man who built the cat condo, told KVLY's Sydney Zatz ...
"You are such a good human being," one Reddit user said, while another added: "OP, thank you for caring for them!" ...
One cat tree might sound like enough when you first get your cat, but as you'll quickly discover, it's actually not enough.
FRAZEE, Minn. — With heating, decorative lights and a mouse poster, a family of cats in Frazee is living the good life in their own personal condo. And more than 6,000 people are following their ...
the man who built the cat condo, told KVLY's Sydney Zatz.After he converted the dog house, the kittens, Lila, Lucy, and Larry, quickly made themselves at home.After one of Mohn's daughters posted ...