The Red Flag Fleet, under the command of the notorious pirate Ching Shih, had been a continual thorn in the side of commerce for years. The Qing gathered a massive fleet of warships and set a trap ...
During China's Qing Dynasty, a fearsome female pirate queen named Ching Shih ruled the South China Sea. She led the Red Flag Fleet, commanding over 1,800 pirate ships and around 80,000 pirates.
The most famous of them, and in fact the most successful pirate ever, was a woman. Her name was Ching Shih and she ran the “Red Fleet” of more than 300 junks and thousands of men. She ...
The son of a Tanka fisherman, as a baby, Cheung was kidnapped by Cheng Yat and Ching Shih, two of the region’s most powerful pirates. They adopted him as their son, and he grew up to be a ...