The black-saddled coral grouper is a popular food fish. It is considered vulnerable to fishing, and population declines have been reported in some regions of the South Pacific. Researchers from ...
Laurent Ballesta and his team built a semicircular rig of 32 synchronized cameras to capture this “bullet time” video sequence of sharks descending on a grouper at Fakarava Atoll. This visual ...
The goliath grouper is a giant fish that can be found in Florida waters. In the '70s and '80s, it was severely overfished, which led to regulations making it illegal to harvest. Following is a ...
Throughout the animal kingdom, resourcefulness often means the difference between a good meal and an empty stomach. And near coral reefs, where competition for food is particularly fierce, nature has ...
When fish gather to spawn, it is potentially attractive for fishing. High catch rates can generally be expected during spawning times at specific locations. However, these sites are also very ...