Domestic energy production is a critical component of both our short- and long-term economic growth, bolsters our national security, and strengthens our international competitiveness. From getting to ...
There were no changes in the U.S. corn and soybean balance sheets for the second straight month, despite expectations for higher corn exports and lower domestic soybean use.
DENVER — Farmers must advocate for themselves. That is a matter of fact. Young or old, new or veteran, all farmers need to be ...
Convenience-store chain partners with South Dakota Corn Utilization Council to boost renewable resource across the state ...
As US growers prepare to plant the 2025 corn crop, the market faces many unknowns. Among them are widely varying South ...
Brazil's corn ethanol production is anticipated to almost double by 2032, reaching 16 billion liters annually, driven by industry expansion. Citi reports that Brazil will increase its corn ethanol ...
The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price was back up 3 1/2 cents at $4.25 1/2. EIA released their weekly petroleum status report this morning, with ethanol production rising 43,000 ...
Corn grower leaders joined Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Congressional biofuel leaders at a press conference on Capitol Hill this week. Ethanol champions came together to push for the passage ...