Corn can produce the equivelant of 18 gallons ... consumption and dramatically reduce emissions from power plants. The fuel produced from the algae could even be used to power the plant itself.
Corn feeds livestock such as cattle, poultry, and swine. Corn is also important for ethanol biofuel, so fuel policies, and gasoline demand influence the demand for corn.. Corn is sold on the cob but ...
Of course, there's corn syrup, but corn is used to make ethanol, a form of fuel, and it also appears in both medicines and cleaning products. Whether it's called corn or maize, most of the crop ...
More moisture in the air can also act as fuel for events like thunderstorms, which can lead to heavier downpours in late ...
Convenience-store chain partners with South Dakota Corn Utilization Council to boost renewable resource across the state ...
Corn futures are showing 1 to 3 ¼ cent losses so far on Wednesday morning, fading off the early morning pop in prices. CmdtyView’s national average Cash Corn price is down 1 1/4 cents at $4 ...
DENVER — Farmers must advocate for themselves. That is a matter of fact. Young or old, new or veteran, all farmers need to be ...