Crozer CEO Tony Esposito confirmed in an email that the company started using its EMS vehicles for nonemergency transport after Keystone’s departure. He said Crozer had offered to pay Keystone.
Speakers at quickly arranged rally outside Crozer-Chester Medical Center lambast the Crozer Health parent company, and say ...
Plus, the physicians discuss the mood inside Crozer-Chester Medical Center, and that there is a sense of disbelief that such ...
Eight-year-old Ny’Leek Ellison suffered life-threatening injuries and was immediately transported to Crozer-Chester Medical ...
The Foundation for Delaware County reversed its position and is now saying it will commit "essential funding that remedies immediate shortfalls" that would have led to closure of the system.
Two hospitals in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, could close in a matter of days, impacting thousands of jobs and leaving residents questioning needing to go further for care. According to ...
The potential closures of Crozer Chester Medical Center and Taylor Hospital would mean thousands of people without jobs and ...