Dark Patterns #4, the Dark Knight investigates a mysterious tower where voices of the living and dead echo, and a hostage situation turns deadly.
Batman investigates and discovers a twisted new take on a classic villain when hostages are taken at Bledin Towers in a new ...
These so-called “wrongful practices” known as ‘dark patterns’ are being adopted by some ecommerce companies to manipulate users into taking actions or making decisions that may not be in ...
The proliferation of dark patterns on Zepto, Swiggy Instamart and Blinkit have set off several concerns among consumer groups ...
If either of these situations sound familiar, you’ve come across the so-called “dark pattern”, cleverly designed interface elements that encourage people to make choices that benefit ...
In one issue, Watters and Sherman set up an homage to Gareth Evans’ lauded action movie The Raid: Redemption, as Batman steps in to rescue a police officer held hostage somewhere in Bledin Towers’ 215 ...
News audiences respond negatively to these designs. A similar phenomenon is happening with dark patterns. Dark patterns, also called deceptive designs, are those user interfaces and experiences made ...
Sturgeon’s Law tells us that, in any given medium, 90% of what you come across is crap. And when you read a half-dozen stories per month which all take place in the same fictional city and ...