The salt formed depends on the acid used. In this example we' re preparing copper sulfate crystals from copper oxide using dilute sulfuric acid. You'll need to wear goggles to protect your eyes.
This outlines one way to carry out the practical using copper(II) oxide powder and dilute sulfuric acid. Eye protection must be worn. 1. Add some dilute sulfuric acid to a small beaker.
FOR the analysis of the nitrate content of sea water, and for certain tests on alkaloids, it is necessary to have sulphuric acid free from all but the most minute amounts of nitric acid.
Maumene, on the above subject. The fatty oils mingled with sulphuric acid disengage heat, this action may serve to distinguish them; it separates in a striking manner the drying oils from those ...
The iodide of the urine is fixed on the precipitate, which can be filtered off immediately and washed with dilute sulphuric acid before further treatment. There is thus a considerable saving in ...
and add to boiling water. Allow solution to cool to room temperature and add 0.8gNaHSO3 (sodium bisulfite) and 10mL of 1M H2SO4 (sulfuric acid). Dilute to 1L. NOTE: Solution B is stable for ...