A rapid experimental genetic test can help guide the hands of surgeons as they delicately remove tumors from patients with brain cancer, new research suggests.
Technical advances and enhanced automation are taking droplet digital PCR from a specialized research technique to a robust quality-control tool. In 2019, Eriko Uchida, a researcher at the ...
Intraoperative ultra-rapid droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (UR-ddPCR) can identify tumor genetic subtype and ...
The SARS-CoV-2 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) test runs on Bio-Rad's QX200 and QXDx ddPCR systems. The high sensitivity of the test makes it well suited to screening upper respiratory samples in patients ...
allowing the clear discrimination of multiple targets with assays that can port over and grow from the QX200 Droplet DigitalTM PCR System. The QX600 Droplet Reader is designed for researchers who need ...
A novel tool for rapidly identifying the genetic “fingerprints” of cancer cells may enable future surgeons to more accurately remove brain tumors while a patient is in the operating room, new research ...
Led by a research team from NYU Langone Health, the new study describes the development of Ultra-Rapid droplet digital PCR, or UR-ddPCR, which the team found can measure the level of tumor cells ...
The QX600™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System enables advanced six-color multiplexing, allowing clear discrimination of multiple targets with our extensive library of pre-optimized assays. The QX600 System ...