Examination looks for dry mucous membrane, reduced skin turgor, postural systolic hypotension, a rapid fall in body weight and a reduction in urine volume. Levels of serum urea and creatinine ...
they help keep our mucous membranes moist and protect them from getting dry and cracked. Michael Smith, MD It's just when you have a cold or some kind of upper respiratory infection, you produce ...
Nose linings or mucus membranes make about 1-2 quarts (!) of mucus a day normally to keep cells moist. Most of it just goes down the back of your throat. When dry, cold air hits your nose, its ...
Dry mucous membranes Dr. Nizar Haddad adds that cold weather is accompanied by dry air and low humidity, leading to dryness in the respiratory mucous membranes. This increases the likelihood of ...