Temperamentally an old-school manager, Earl Weaver was also a baseball pioneer who embraced analytics and technology.
When Earl Weaver died in January 2013, John W. Miller was covering the steel industry for the Wall Street Journal. But someone on the sports desk knew Miller was a baseball nut — a former ...
It’s time for this week’s episode of the Terry’s Talkin’ podcast, with cleveland.com columnist Terry Pluto and host David ...
Smith, from Jamestown, pitched in the Major League for 18 years from 1980 to 1997 and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of ...
Earl Weaver argues with an umpire, a common sight in the 1970s at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. “The Last Manager,” John Miller’s new biography of baseball Hall of Famer Earl Weaver ...
When the Black Sox Scandal erupted after eight members of the Chicago White Sox were banned for throwing the 1919 World Series, big league baseball vowed to crack down on gambling once and for all ...
THE LAST MANAGER: How Earl Weaver Tricked, Tormented, and Reinvented Baseball, by John W. Miller The greatest sight in Major League Baseball during the 1970s was almost certainly this one ...
Tony Ryma speaks with John W. Miller, author of The Last Manager: How Earl Weaver Tricked, Tormented, and Reinvented Baseball ...
Baseball lifer Rich Dauer died Feb. 3 at the age of 72. His funeral is set for Saturday. A.J. Hinch will miss the Tigers' ...