Despite workplace changes since the wake of Covid, meetings continue to function as essential places for collaboration and ...
The key lies in preparation, focus, and the strategic use of technology, all of which contribute to a more efficient and effective meeting culture. Ultimately, the success of a meeting hinges on ...
Who’s Responsible? The chair is the person in charge of a meeting. He/she has the authority to regulate a meeting and the responsibility to enforce rules, keep the order, and work toward the ...
Think meetings are boring, unnecessary wastes of time? Then you're doing them wrong. Check out these tips for making meetings productive. Set your agenda ahead of time—and let attendees know about it.
The one-to-one meeting is essential to that process, he says, as it's the best place for ideas and critiques to flow up from employees to management. Here's his take on how to run one: If you like ...
Hall meetings: Do not be insulted if the staff suggests a hall ... All three of these situations can be addressed with effective follow-up. You can remind the person with whom you met about your ...
Not too long ago, a young executive shared with me that in his corporate role, he was asked to lead a great deal of meetings.
An Indiana state law passed in 2023 requires school boards to livestream their meetings effective July 1. The law also applies to governing bodies of state and local agencies. At the local level, it ...