One thing you’ll want to leave off your landscaping to-do list, at least for a while, is pruning your oak trees. February ...
Those brilliantly colored trees have a price, and though they look pretty, it can be a messy business. One of the worst culprits of fall yard mess? The red oak. Also called the northern red oak ...
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as live oaks.
The leaves turn from a dark green in the summer to yellow and brown in the fall. The bark is dark gray and blocky, with long running ridges. Shingle oak tends to keep its lower dead limbs attached to ...
Oak galls are popping up everywhere this fall! They're the tiny, fuzzy yellow or brown balls on oak leaves and branches. You ...
Hardy, evergreen and beautiful, oak trees can also provide plenty of shade ... so the leaves don’t turn brown until after they fall on the ground. It is best to call an arborist to determine ...