They’re often found in gullies and around rivers and streams in nutrient-rich soils. Many ferns grow root-like structures underground called rhizomes, which they use to spread through the soil. These ...
The easiest way to propagate a fern is by dividing the rhizome. This is the same method as when propagating spider plants or propagating anthurium and is surprisingly easy and the most successful ...
Transform your fern collection into a lush oasis for free. Deer-resistant and shade-loving, ferns add a whimsical allure to any garden. As one of the oldest plant groups on Earth, these hardy ...
Q: Here’s a picture of the rabbit’s foot fern that we’ve had for over 40 years. I don’t know if it’s root-bound, and I don’t know if it can be replanted. It used to have more fern foliage.
This shrub provides maximum erosion control on slopes.