This Supreme Court decision is great news for everyone but the criminals who have adopted untraceable ghost guns as ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld government regulation of self-assemble firearm kits that produce untraceable weapons ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday kept a Biden-era gun control measure in place, ruling that weapons parts kits can be regulated ...
The Supreme Court ruling affects ghost guns, the largely untraceable firearms used in a growing number of crimes over the ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a Biden administration regulation on the nearly impossible-to-trace weapons called ...
That decision upholds a Biden administration regulation, clearing the way for continued serial numbers, background checks, ...
The Biden administration sought to tamp down untraceable firearms by regulating popular DIY gun parts kits as weapons.
VanDerStok, in other words, is a very small victory for the cause of gun control. But it is a victory. And it shows that, at ...
The Supreme Court held that a Biden-era policy allowing the ATF to regulate ghost guns is lawful under the 1968 Gun Control Act.
The Supreme Court upheld a key Biden-era regulation that treats “readily convertible” gun kits as firearms, commonly called "ghost guns," ...
WASHINGTON, DC – A conservative Supreme Court that has consistently expanded gun rights has now upheld federal restrictions ...