[Dominick Lee] is a high school senior, and he was able to whip together this awesome flight simulator made out of PVC pipe, pneumatic cylinders, an Arduino, a projector, and a gaming PC — in ...
As [Alberto Marnetto] explains in a recent blog post, decompiling Stunt Island and poking around at the code allows one to improve the graphical detail level in the flight simulator by approximate ...
Bagging the best PC joystick is a great way to pilot a Tie-Fighter in Star Wars: Squadrons or fly a plane across the globe in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 for the ultimate flight sim experience.
That's suggested by a recent PC Gamer interview with Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator Jorge Neumann, who revealed that the upcoming title will boast some truly unprecedented features.
Before this year’s Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, developer Asobo achieved ... The virtual cockpit for this one was my gaming PC, outputting to a 30-inch display via my RTX 2080 TI.