Passionflower serves as a host plant to several butterflies, in particular the gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) and zebra longwings (Heliconius charithonia), which inhabit Florida and Texas.
And if you’re cultivating an outdoor space to benefit pollinators, think about adding their favorite host plant ... at the Florida Botanical Gardens in Largo, Florida. The butterfly’s orange ...
effective camouflage in its pine rockland habitat in South Florida. This butterfly, whose only known host plant is the pineland croton, reaches adult sizes of 2.75 to 3 inches and displays sexual ...
Sometimes, nature's surprises come with wings. In a new study, scientists have pulled from a 35-year dataset to examine ...
The endangered Schaus’ swallowtail butterfly is positively influenced by hurricanes, as new growth from damaged plants ...
ravage milkweed plants, which are the only food source for monarch caterpillars. Without them, the butterflies that stop to breed in Florida will never complete their journey, and the monarchs who ...
Many of you may not realize that Florida is one of the few ... of glossy fern-like foliage and are the host plants for the rare and stunning atala butterfly. Shearing them is absurd.