There once was a time when the Arrowverse was the best live-action franchise DC had going for it, but it's a long-gone era ...
The Flash TV cast, including Grant Gustin, share whether or not they would reprise their roles in an Arrowverse follow-up ...
She previously contributed E! Online, Hollywood Life and Grant Gustin is getting ready to say goodbye to The Flash. On Friday, the 32-year-old actor thanked fans of the long-running CW ...
Grant Gustin felt that, like speedster Barry Allen, The Flash‘s musical episode arrived on the scene a bit quickly. The premise: The Music Meister sends The Flash and Supergirl to a world where ...
This time, Netflix presents us with a history of this cut with The Rescue of Ruby, a film based on real events that starred actor Grant Gustin (known for his role in The Flash) and a mixed breed ...