In the first two seasons, which are available to stream on Netflix, Record of Ragnarok brought in gods including Zeus, Thor, ...
No release date for Record of Ragnarok III has been revealed yet. The first and second seasons are available on Netflix, and ...
A third season of Record of Ragnarok is in production. After six incredible rounds, humanity and the gods are tied at three wins apiece. With seven more pulsating fights to go, Netflix has confirmed ...
Santa Monica Studio has released a new patch for God of War Ragnarok just after the 20th Anniversary update was rolled out.
Record of Ragnarok has become a household name among Netflix’s anime line-up, and there’s finally more in store for fans.
The Netflix Anime YouTube channel just recently uploaded a new teaser for a new season of an anime that shows humanity ...
God of War Ragnarokl has gotten a new update that brings it to verison 6.03,a nd this houses new items for Kratos & Co.
Likewise, Fukui-san is curious to see a new stage of God and Humanity unfold in the season. Hades, as seen in the PV (Image via Yumeta Company and Maru Animation) Record of Ragnarok Season 3 ...
A new God of War Ragnarok update has dropped for PS5, PS4, and PC and brings additional cosmetics to celebrate the franchise's anniversary.