Shredded turkey, I know what you think.. what?? I love to get turkey breasts to cook to shred to put into recipes, or le ...
As the basics of cooking dictate, the rate at which the meat of a turkey will cook is determined by where the hot air is flowing and gathering inside the oven. Areas of the bird subjected to ...
Here's how you can combine a long drive to grandma's (snore) with some foodie snobbery: Outdo your brother-in-law's fried turkey by cooking your bird on the engine manifold. Here's how you can ...
Size matters." A frozen turkey should be defrosted at a cool temperature (no more than 17.5C) and must be thoroughly defrosted before cooking. In a fridge, at 4C, allow at least 4 hours for every ...
This is how to cook a roast turkey crown to ensure moist, tender meat with minimum faff. The crispy bacon is the perfect accompaniment to the roast turkey. Use our roasting calculator to work out ...