Otherwise, you're just stating your intent, not your thesis or claim. Example: My essay will discuss handgun legislation. Better: Banning handguns is the first step toward controlling crime in America ...
A law school personal statement can take various forms. The voice, tone, content, storyline and structure will depend on who you are and what you’re writing about. But all personal statements serve ...
The thesis statement is the conclusion of the paper. A good thesis statement is precise, succinct, and informative. It is not simply a statement of the general topic, interest or plan. Nor is it a ...
This guide does not deal with detailed information on how to research or write a dissertation or thesis. Please use these guidelines from the moment you begin drafting your thesis or dissertation as ...
Thesis statement: For example, “This thesis seeks to...” In the thesis statement, you make a claim, and you set out your specific perspective that you can support and defend with evidence. The thesis ...
Check thesis for broad sweeping claims that will be difficult to support with evidence. Step 5: Ask students to provide specific advice for each of the authors about how they could go about revising ...