Over six seasons, “The Handmaid’s Tale” has been gripping, emotional and sometimes draining. And that’s why, as the show ...
Cleanfluencer’ Anna Louisa says it’s about doing something for yourself, not just the house. By Sam Wylie-Harris.
Research shows that routines can positively impact mental health by creating a structure that helps ease anxiety and stress.
Recognizing the value of individual contributions can go a long way toward creating a culture where every teammate feels like ...
From catching up with a friend to enjoying a walk in your favourite beauty spot, there are lots of quick and easy ways to make yourself feel good. And the best part? The more you're able to slot ...
and it begins with these feel-good-about-yourself habits, all backed by research. Tell yourself: it's okay to take care of you. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. If you don't ...
"Sometimes called the feel-good hormone, serotonin influences happiness as well as appetite, the way we select certain foods and satiety," says Dr. Brewer. She explains that serotonin also gives ...
Kindness means thinking about how other people feel and how we can make them feel good. Being kind is when you make an effort to make someone smile or improve their day somehow. One of the things ...
Your body’s feel-good chemicals Nutrients in food can promote the production of your body’s feel-good chemicals: serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin regulates your mood and promotes sleep.
(See, for example, Del Ponte, Alessandro; 2013) We feel good doing good, that is, behaving in ways consistent with personal values and mores. When we violate values and mores we feel guilt ...