This cannot accomplished except knowledge of the Sunnah. Tamattu': A pilgrim wears Ihram for Umrah only during the months of Hajj, which means when he reaches Makkah, he makes Tawaf and Sa'yi for ...
This was as far as I could go. Though I was in ihram, my monthly cycle had started, and I was barred from performing Umrah. I was grateful that our trip was going off without a hitch, but I admit ...
Image Source Umrah is the second holiest journey Muslims undertake in their lives. While it is not obligatory, it holds a central place in every Muslim’s beliefs. Owing to the countless blessings ...
“I receive many questions about the ruling if pilgrims do not perform umrah but wear ihram to enable them to perform tawaf in the mataf. It is indeed not permissible because the Saudi Arabian ...
I am beyond happy to be performing Umrah for the first time ... “The charity took care of everything, from the Ihram to our needs. I can’t describe how grateful I am to Sharjah Charity ...