When once-living organisms are transformed into rocks or leave impressions or imprints within rocks, then those rocks are referred to as fossils, and the process is known as fossilization.
The discovery of a 69-million-year-old bird fossil is reshaping our understanding of avian evolution.
They were able to use new microscopy and artificial technology to get a more detailed view of the fossils, where they found micro-impressions of developing seeds on the UC Berkeley fossil’s fruits.
Micro-impressions of small, developing seeds were visible in the fossil's fruits. The research team could also see stamens — flowers' male reproductive organs — which in most plant species ...
Zombie fossil? This is an artist's impression of an undead T. rex. The missing parts are the result of degradation of the body after death. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for ...
A meerkat perches atop rocks bearing the fossil impressions of raindrops that fell in South Africa 2.7 billion years ago. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of ...