On Inauguration Day, challenge yourself to greet others in a friendly way. “Forming a smile expression makes you more poised ...
Billionaires, foreign leaders and celebrities including Mike Tyson and Carrie Underwood will appear at the inauguration. Some ...
In the first remarks of his second term, President Trump painted a grim portrait of the country while declaring that “the golden age of America begins right now.” ...
President Donald Trump’s second inaugural address features similar themes to his first: a sweeping indictment of the country ...
WASHINGTON — After the violent tumult of four years ago, President Trump’s inauguration ceremonies on Monday began as a valiant attempt at normalcy to demonstrate the resiliency of American ...
After President Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20, he will then sit down for a luncheon at the U.S. Capitol hosted by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC).