One particularly unique bird is the horned lark (Eremophila alpestris). Several dozen lark species live in the world but only one calls America its native home. It is one of a kind in America.
the Nkulengu Rail in Africa and the Hume's Lark in Asia. Conservation action to protect or restore habitat can then be targeted towards the species and locations that need it most," explains ...
The rhythms of many species are more varied and flexible than previously thought, and those rhythms are shifting, in response to humans. The research, published February 26 in the journal Science ...
Sea ducks such as Common eiders, grassland birds such as Western meadowlarks and Lark buntings, and forest species such as ...
Sea ducks such as Common eiders, grassland birds such as Western meadowlarks and Lark buntings, and forest species such as Pinyon jays in the West and Bachman's sparrow in the East are among a wide ...