Are you looking for a gorgeous vine to add to your indoor houseplant ... trim back any leggy or overgrown stems. Make the cut just above a leaf node to encourage new shoots to grow from that ...
Using clean loppers, cut back all but these two canes, which can be bent and tied to grow where desired. You should also leave two older shoots coming out of the head of the vine, trimming them ...
However, I have always wondered when a recipe says vine leaves ... discarding any that aren't perfect, and cut their stalks off - but don't cut the leaf at all. Gently rinse in a large bowl ...
Wind the wire out to the second post ... Push a 1.8m (6ft) cane behind the vine. Cut the vine back to leave three healthy buds, which are below the bottom wire of your support system.
lay flat a vine leaf and put the prepped vegetables and rice mix on the vine leaves and make rolls out of them. Making the Sauce Take lemon juice and olive oil and salt half of the quantity ...