The Equator is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, running at 0° latitude. Spanning 40,000 kilometers of latitude, the equator passes through 13 ...
In the Equatorial waters, there's such a thing as too much heat. In the Maldives, the ravages of global warming are being repaired by incredibly inventive 'coral ...
Running around the middle of the planet is an imaginary line called the Equator. Well I’m on the half that’s above the Equator, which is called the Northern Hemisphere and he lives on the half ...
In the 18th century, French scientists thought they had identified the location of the equator. But they got it wrong. Thousands of years earlier the pre-Incas were able to plot its location ...
These are the lines of latitude and longitude. The main line of latitude is the Equator, located at zero degrees latitude, halfway between the North and South Poles. North of the Equator is the ...