Researchers Astounded to Find a 9-Million-Year-Old Fish Fossil in Exceptional Condition; Is Ancestor to Great White Shark ...
Mackerel sharks (order Lamniformes) are a large group consisting of about 22 species in 10 different families. Some well-known mackerel sharks include: Requiem sharks are large, migratory sharks ...
Scalloped hammerhead on the reef. NOVA: Do sharks have to keep swimming to breathe? Gruber: Several species do, including hammerheads and mackerel sharks. Typically, pelagic sharks that never ...
Here they feed on other fish, such as mackerel, herring, squid and some bottom living species and scavenge on other creatures. That's why WWF Cymru has joined forces with the UK Shark Tagging ...
They're not a species that chases down prey such as white sharks do with seals or makos do with mackerel. Rather, they're feeding on schools of bioluminescing squid at night, perhaps making little ...