These were the words that Madonna wrote to the man who was the last ... of their relationship - as we will do during this exclusive Mail series, which continues on Monday - is to gain an entirely ...
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Madonna, criticised by fashionable friends for wearing a coat made from the fur of Persian lambs cut from their mothers' wombs, has had a dramatic change of heart about her attitude to animal ...
Madonna has revealed how her daughter Lourdes refused to speak to husband Guy Ritchie when the couple began their relationship. The five-year-old was "jealous" of her mother's new boyfriend, the ...
Madonna made her first appearance on the West End stage last night - and proved she has not lost her ability to shock. The singer seemed to find the occasion a little nerve-racking, but won a huge ...
Madonna last night denied an allegation that she has had 11 abortions since she was 18. The singer also dismissed as 'ridiculous' claims in an unauthorised biography due out next month that she ...
The most recent, Ellie Atkinson, the Mail can reveal, went in the last month. Among her crimes was to forget to pack Madonna's Oscar ceremony dress. The previous PA, Susanna Burke, was in ...
Stella McCartney designed and made (for free) Madonna's dress, which was described to the Mail by one guest as being 'empire line in duchess silk satin with a long train'. Donatella Versace ...
Madonna's new film Swept Away is to go straight to video instead of getting a cinema release, its distributors said last night. The £4million movie, directed by the singer's British husband Guy ...
The Mail understands she and Guy will spend at least three months there, working on a children's book of spiritual allegories. It's a project dear to Madonna's heart, but it is hard to imagine Guy ...
Now Madonna has a £9 million rural retreat to ... Those new sporting passions can now be indulged in style, the Daily Mail can reveal, in the 1,000-acre grounds of Ashcombe House, near Cranborne ...