The drones did not carry dosimeters to measure radiation because they had to be lightweight and maneuverable. About 880 tons ...
The two-day probe using tiny drones was completed last week by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, or TEPCO, which ...
An armed drone has hit the protective outer shell of Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant, the site of the worst nuclear ...
TEPCO had prepared since July to fly a fleet of four drones, one at a time, inside the hardest-hit No. 1 reactor's primary containment vessel, in which most of the fuel in the core melted and fell ...
A Russian drone strike on the Chernobyl nuclear site sparks outrage during the Munich Security Conference, prompting Ukraine ...
Last month, the plant made its first drone flight into the worst-hit reactor, No. 1 reactor, to investigate the melted debris, but had to cancel a second day of exploration after a secondary ...
A drone armed with an explosive warhead pierced the containment shell over Chernobyl's melted-down nuclear reactor early on Friday morning, causing a small fire but major concerns for peace prospects.