or: Mary, mother of grace, mother of mercy, shield me from the enemy and receive me at the hour of my death. Amen. At the end of the Rosary any suitable prayers may be said, though the following ...
“The Pope loves Mother Mary,” she said, holding her rosary beads. “And so, through the Holy Rosary, we ask for the ...
The Virgin Mary and her rosary saved my life ... He’s not offended when people pray the rosary and crown his mother with spiritual roses. Those who insult his mother he places at the back ...
Given to me by my mother when I was five, the rosary means the devotion to Christ and Mary. History indicates that it was created in the thirteenth century, by the Catholic Church, at the times of ...
For Catholics, the rosary consists of reciting ... “We turn to Mary as children, with the certainty that she listens to us like a mother.” The prayer can be done individually or in groups ...
Thousands of faithful have gathered, praying the rosary ... "We turn to Mary as children, with the certainty that she listens to us like a mother." This prayer, offered for Pope Francis's recovery ...