Fascinating drops from Böker, Spyderco, Al Mar and other beloved brands highlight this roundup of sharp and shiny objects.
Furthermore, it’s not limited to just one fortunate store location. At State Surplus Stores in Texas, for instance, there are bulk bins where you can get pocket knives and multi-tools from Victorinox, ...
He had a pocket knife, but what he needed was a pair of pliers. Once home, he combined the two, plus seven other tools into his eponymous multi-tool. Among the utility-obsessed, the new product ...
I've found huge savings on everyday carry knives from entry-level to premium at BladeHQ, some hundreds of dollars off.
Your existing multitool may be cool in an outdoorsy way, but does it give you any "street cred"? Well the WingSpan … might … as it packs an adjustable wrench ...
Such is the case with [ToolTechGeek]’s flat-pack metal multi-tool build. Can an entire multi ... flat- and Phillips-head screwdrivers, a knife, and a bottle opener all in one place.