Tote bags, wallets and other items are available for online purchasing from the company. Mycl Japan Co. of Komoro city in the same prefecture is developing a leather using mushroom material.
It's more like a giant fungus. It's the design of a biotech company that uses mushrooms to make eco-friendly packing materials, leather, and even bacon. Mycelium, as it's called, is basically the ...
Tim Stephenson of Adrian is CEO of Vale Textiles, which plans to retool a shuttered mushroom plant in Vale to make ...
New Balance Numeric, the Boston-based sportswear company's skateboarding ... a plant-based leather-like material which is actually developed using mushrooms. "As the last frosts retreat and ...
The company ended its partnership with its only kangaroo leather supplier in 2021, it added. An eco-friendly future for fashion includes seaweed coats and mushroom shoes The decision from Nike and ...