For decades, the Congo Basin was largely invisible to climate science. Now, a new generation of Central African researchers ...
"Before our study, the oldest secure evidence for habitation in African rainforests was around 18,000 years ago, and the oldest evidence of rainforest habitation anywhere came from southeast Asia at ...
This oldest known evidence of people living in tropical forests supports an idea that human evolution occurred across Africa.
Men in dusty workwear trudge through a thicket, making their way up a hill where sprawling plantations lay tucked in a Nigerian rainforest whose trees have been hacked away to make room for cocoa ...
For years, rainforests were thought to be barriers to early human survival, but new evidence has shattered this assumption. A ...
If this Africa-wide theory were true, then early humans must have figured out how to live in many environments beyond ...
The findings push back the timing of ancient human rainforest occupation "by more than double," said archaeologist Eslem Ben ...
Tropical rainforests don’t give up their secrets easily. ... That’s why it’s so rewarding to see these incredible images.” ...
Johnvents, a Nigerian agribusiness and manufacturing firm, has gained $40.5 million from the UK's development finance institution to more than double its cocoa processing capacity to 30,000 metric ...