Their research focuses on a smaller, more localized approach to recovering uranium, transuranic elements, and rare earth ...
The Biden Administration spent hundreds of billions of dollars to push renewables, and the result was a 30% increase in ...
The North Carolina-based company is developing small modular reactors and expects to net $280 million from the deal. Before ...
America once led the world in nuclear energy, but it has fallen behind in this century. America now can reclaim former ...
Nuclear scientists advance a technology for more efficient uranium and rare earth element recovery.
Scientists sustained nuclear fusion plasma for 22 minutes, marking significant progress in sustainable clean energy research.
Scientists are conducting experiments to generate clean energy through fusion, the same sub-atomic reaction that powers our Sun, with the aim of constructing plants that produce more energy than they ...
Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider kicked off its final year of operations this week, marking a ...
Powering spacecraft with solar energy may not seem like a challenge, given how intense the sun's light can feel on Earth.
Union minister of state (Independent Charge) for science and technology and earth sciences Jitendra Singh informed the Lok ...
Fusion has long been the propulsion end-goal for interplanetary travel, and a U.K.-based company thinks on its way to ...