This website provides a collection of sample learning objectives across various disciplines, serving as a practical resource for educators seeking inspiration and guidance in creating clear and ...
Outcomes can be at the university, program or course level. Learning outcomes may be defined as the change in a student’s knowledge or skills as a result of the student’s experience(s). The focus of ...
Broadly speaking, learning outcomes are the intended or expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that students take with them from an academic (or nonacademic) experience. There are ...
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) allow us to determine whether students are reaching the goals and objectives that we want them to achieve. They are expressed as specific statements describing the ...
Good assessment helps point towards better learning activities, assessment activities, and other experiences that can help students increase progress towards course and program outcomes. Note: Not ...
On a designated results day, we will contact you when your marks, programme outcomes or award information are available. Not all students receive their results at the same time, so you should wait ...
All academic programs at RIT engage in program assessment by following a Program Level Outcomes Assessment Plan (PLOAP). PLOAPs are stored electronically in RIT’s Assessment Management System, ...
All academic programs at RIT are required to have a Program Level Outcomes Assessment Plan (PLOAP). The goal of an academic program assessment plan is to facilitate continuous program improvement. The ...
Learning outcomes are statements about what students can expect to know or be able to do. Communicating learning outcomes with students creates a shared understanding about the purpose and ...
Student learning outcomes (SLO) are the key component of an assessment plan. These are concise statements that indicate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students in a program are expected to ...