Before you seek out where to buy a PS5 Pro, however, you'll want to know what games have received upgrades, which is where we come in. In this article, we'll cover every PS5 Pro game confirmed so ...
I love how the PS5 Pro means I don't have to choose between graphics and performance. But I do wish consoles were pushed more ...
If you've ever turned your precious PlayStation 5 console onto its side – whether to stick it in a media console or just to change how it looks in your living room – you'll likely have noticed that ...
Case in point: the PS5 Pro. If you don't have a PS5 and are looking to pull the trigger this holiday, you may feel pressured to go for what's billed as the most powerful version of Sony's system.
A highly-anticipated upcoming co-op adventure game will be PS5 Pro enhanced, according to its PS Store listing.
The PlayStation Store has just leaked a major PS5 game is going to be PS5 Pro Enhanced when it releases in March.
Enter PS5 Pro. While developer Arrowhead Game Studios hasn't announced a PS5 Pro enhancement, there's evidence the multiplayer shooter has indeed seen a substantial PS5 Pro bump. So is this enough ...