Another risk is pesticide residue. Many people who use khat as a stimulant do not always wash it properly. Psychologically, people who regularly use khat can become dependent on the drug believing ...
THERE is always palpable relief in various quarters when narcotics use control teams strike . It has happened yet again with ...
Another risk is pesticide residue. Many people who use khat as a stimulant do not always wash it properly. Psychologically, ...
THE Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA) has arrested the suspected leader of illegal khat trade in parts the ...
Turn to begging?" he asked, through his own mouthful of khat. "Khat has created job opportunities for many people, such as farmers and traders, even drivers who transport it between cities," al ...
Faya Dayi: Film looks into use of Khat in Ethiopia.Faya Dayi: Film looks into use of Khat in Ethiopia.